Finding The Right Mentor
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
This is a timeless quote, but finding a mentor can sometimes be challenging. Also, the answer to finding the right individual to look up to may seem like the secret to success, but it’s essential to keep in mind that it’s not the only key towards the achievements you crave. It would help if you had the work ethic and determination behind you. When you accept advice from someone and start applying it to your own life, you want to make sure you’re doing it right! Here at Cape Reserve, we encourage everyone to find someone older and wiser and mirror their advice. Read on to learn a vital point when searching for your next mentor!
When you’re searching for a mentor, it’s essential to keep in mind that someone living your dream could have faced the same challenges you’re facing today. Others have been there and have the answers. Figuring it out on your own is a wasted effort. Your mentor should have more experience at the most basic level than you and an established track record of success. Find an entrepreneur that currently lives the life you want to experience someday and always avoid taking advice from broke people. Start by sending a professional email asking for guidance on the next steps towards your career goal. Whatever you do, don’t send a message on social media saying, “I have a game-changing idea. Let’s talk!” Those messages will often be ignored.
When you find someone specializing in your type of business and can support the current stage in your journey, it’s vital to be respectful of their time and prepare for any constructive criticism. This is precisely what we tell our team here at Cape Reserve. First of all, criticism gives us a new perspective and opens our eyes to things we may have overlooked or never considered. You mustn’t take criticism so personally. It’s meant to help you learn and grow and not attack your skills or character. Receiving feedback, whether positive or negative, is a good thing because it shows that your potential mentor is invested in your future and wants to help you learn.
Although it’s critical to be open to constructive criticism, if you struggle with taking direct feedback and your mentor likes to give it, you might end up resenting them. If you disagree, don’t commit to action you won’t take; challenge them instead. A mentor needs to see that you’re committed to making progress. If you’re not willing to implement their advice, why would they give you their time? If you conclude that you don’t vibe with this individual, it’s ok to accept that their coaching style does not meet your own. Once you’ve reached this decision, you can continue your search elsewhere.
The final advice we have here at Cape Reserve is to be kind to everyone you meet and guard yourself against negative thoughts. Take a walk each morning and make a walking gratitude list. Say it out loud if you can. With the proper advice and guidance, you will reach your future goals before you know it!